State regulation of health insurance

In accordance with the Regulations on the provision of medical care to foreign citizens studying at Lomonosov Moscow State University (hereinafter referred to as the MSU Regulations), all foreign citizens are required to purchase at their own expense a medical insurance policy that will be valid throughout Russia. The requirement for a policy is aimed at protecting the health of foreign citizens and regulating medical care issues in the Russian Federation during their studies at Moscow State University.

What is a health insurance policy?

There are two primary types of health insurance policies:

1) Compulsory health insurance policy (CHI, or «ОМС» in Russian)
It can only be issued for citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens permanently or temporarily residing in the Russian Federation (that is, having a residence permit or a temporary residence permit), as well as foreign citizens carrying out labor activities in the Russian Federation. A compulsory health insurance policy allows you to receive medical care free of charge at the expense of the state health insurance program if an insured event occurs.

International students who have a compulsory health insurance policy in the Russian Federation are under no obligation to purchase a voluntary health insurance policy (VHI).

2) Voluntary health insurance policy (VHI, or «ДМС» in Russian)
It can be issued for all categories of citizens. VHI allows you to receive medical care provided for by the selected insurance program in medical organizations which cooperate with the insurance company.

International students of Lomonosov Moscow State University are required to have a valid VHI or CHI policy during the entire period of their stay in Russia for the purpose of study at Moscow State University. After the expiry of the validity period of the previously issued VHI policy, international student is obliged to purchase a new VHI policy within 3 working days.

Important: Within 7 calendar days after crossing the border of the Russian Federation, you must send a copy of the VHI policy (or CHI if available) to the e-mail of the International office of your faculty.

How to purchase a VHI policy?

We recommend you to purchase a VHI policy from insurance companies which offer insurance programs that comply with the MSU Regulations. You can purchase a policy from the following companies online (including from abroad) on their websites:

If you decide to purchase a health insurance policy from another insurance company, make sure that an insurance program provides for the provision of services in the amount not less than prescribed by the MSU Regulations.