The complete guide to the AUD CPA Exam

auditing and attestation

The Auditing and Attestation (AUD) CPA Exam is one of the three Core Exam sections candidates need to take to earn their CPA license. It tests students’ knowledge and skills surrounding auditing and attestation, ethics, risk assessment, and reporting.

If you’re aspiring to become a licensed CPA, find everything you need to know going into the AUD CPA exam—from format to content to study tips and, most importantly, how to pass.

Table of contents

  1. What is the AUD CPA Exam?
  2. Updates to the AUD CPA Exam
  3. AUD CPA Exam format and content
  4. When should I take the AUD CPA Exam?
  5. How is the AUD CPA Exam scored?
  6. AUD CPA Exam pass rate
  7. AUD CPA study tips

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What is the AUD CPA Exam?

Auditing and Attestation (AUD) is one of three Core sections which, along with a fourth Discipline section, form the CPA Exam. It tests candidates’ knowledge and skills surrounding the entire audit process, from preparation to review, also covering accounting ethics, risk assessment, and attestation services.

All aspiring CPAs must pass AUD as part of the CPA Exam to successfully earn their license.

Updates to the AUD CPA Exam

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) updated the CPA Exam format in January 2024, implementing this new organization.

The CPA Exam now requires three Core sections:

And the candidate’s choice of one of three Discipline Exams:

Despite the changes in CPA Exam structure, AUD has remained largely unchanged. However, the Business Environment and Concepts (BEC) section was removed when the exam was updated, and several topics from that section were moved to AUD. These topics include basic economic concepts (supply and demand, business cycles), and business process and internal controls.

CPA Exam

Core exam sections

All three are required

Discipline exam sections

Candidates choose one







Financial Accounting & Reporting

Business Analysis & Reporting

Information Systems & Controls

Tax Compliance & Planning

AUD CPA Exam format and content

The AUD CPA Exam is broken down into four content areas:

Candidates have four hours, plus a fifteen-minute break, to complete 78 multiple choice questions (MCQs) and seven task-based simulations (TBSs). All these questions are split up into a total of five exam sections called “testlets.”

TestletNumber of questionsQuestion typeScoring weight

AUD CPA Exam skills

All MCQs and TBSs on the REG Exam will fall under one of four "skill levels."

Skill levelWhat it isPresence on exam
Remembering and understandingDefinint terms and describing concepts30-40%
ApplicationApplying concepts to new situations and identifying appropriate procedures30-40%
AnalysisExtracting patterns from sets of information, comparing and organizing data15-25%
EvaluationDrawing conclusions, weighing strengths and weaknesses, planning actions5-15%

AUD is the only exam section that tests evaluation, the highest-level skill, in addition to the other three, making it arguably one of the more difficult CPA Exam sections.

AUD CPA Exam content outline

In the broadest terms, the AUD CPA Exam covers content related to auditing, attestation, and accounting ethics.

Ethics, Professional Responsibilities, and General Principles (15-25 percent)